You are free!


Fifteen hostages heard these words

when they were rescued

in an extremely well planned military operation.


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Much has been written about this unusual and daring operation that took place in the jungle of Colombia on Wednesday July 2, 2008.


We have been told about the hostages and their lives before, during and after the captivity.


We have been told about the daring operation that had been carried out by those that had been willing to put their lives in danger for others.


We have been told about those who had held the hostages in the jungle, some for five years and some for far more.


We have been told about the families of the hostages and their great concern for their loved one and their great joy when they were released.


We have been told about the efforts of different governments and their officials seeking to secure a safe release.


In this little paper, I want to follow six select items of interest surrounding the events of July 2, 2008.


There were six things that stand out of all that we have heard.


First, one had to infiltrate the ranks of those that held the hostages. He had to penetrate into the very midst of their stronghold.


Second, The hostages, knowing the many dangers of their situation have been longing for someone to secure their freedom.


Third, Unknown to the hostages, there were those who were very concerned for their safety, and they were making plans for their freedom.


Fourth, It was necessary for some to put their lives in danger to carryout this daring operation.


Fifth, The brave men that were to perform the operation were aware that they may not come out alive and they encouraged themselves by reading God’s word and praying for help and safety the night before.


Sixth, There was unspeakable joy when the hostages heard those words, “YOU ARE FREE!”


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And now I want to tell you of another operation that was of even greater importance, and would have even more of a far reaching affect.


First, The Lord Jesus came right into the midst of all the sorrows and dangers that have come into this world because of sin. He confronted Satan just where he had the greatest power and defeated him. (See Luke 11:21,22)


Second, It is important to know the very dangerous situation that all men are in when they do not have Christ as their Saviour. When we come to realize our danger we should long to have the assurance of being free from the penalty of sin. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)


Third, God is aware of our dangerous situation and how helpless we are to do something to save ourselves. He too had a plan that would secure our freedom.


Fourth, The Lord Jesus put Himself into a very dangerous situation because HE LOVED US. But unlike the brave men that went on that mission in Colombia, the Lord Jesus actually went into death, knowing that it was the only way that we can be set free from the penalty of sin.


Fifth, The Lord Jesus knew how great the suffering would be that he had to go through. He also prayed the night before but His prayer was very different. Not my will but thine be done. (Luke 22:42)


Sixth, There will be rejoicing the presence of the angles over those who confess their sin and ask the Lord to save them. (See Luke 15:10) But more than this, there will be pleasure forevermore for those that know their sin is forgiven and are taken to be with Him when He comes for His own. (See Psalm 16:11)


It makes no difference who you are. If you are a rebel, a hostage, a government official, a soldier, or just one that has read about it. This message is for all of us – God tells us the truth. He tells us, For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)  But the good news is we can be free for all eternity from the bondage of sin, from the penalty of sin and from the judgment to come, if only we would turn to Christ. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24)