Pleasant Hill, Iowa

May 26 – 29, 2017

Conference notes

As many have been praying for the special meetings in Pleasant Hill Iowa, we thought it would be of interest to pass on an overview of what we had before us.

We were encouraged to see so many make the effort to be there and the fellowship with them was truly sweet. Some from Washington state, California, Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, Arizona, Oregon and of course more than one location in Iowa. I hope I did not leave any one out.

The following is from our notes and memories and greatly abbreviated, so I know that I did not include many very helpful comments. The local exercise was to consider what the word of God has to say about Christianity and Culture.

We considered the question - what is meant by "culture" and does the Bible address it? It is encouraging to see that the Bible never leaves us guessing but gives us the answer to every question that may come before us.

The dictionary definition of culture was simply the product of human work or thought, keeping in mind that this definition leaves God out of the equation. His thoughts are not our thoughts, Isaiah 55v8. His thoughts are found in the word of God and if any society of men would turn from their thoughts and ways to God's thoughts and ways it takes them out of the base unwholesome ways of man without God and elevates the society to a higher moral plane with wonderful blessings that could not have been enjoyed any other way.

Though the word of God does not use the term “culture”, there are many expressions found there that would apply. Expressions like traditions, manners, customs, our walk etc. These all are the result of human work or thought unless they are based on what is found in the Bible.

So the traditions taught by the apostles, 2 Thessalonians 3v6, are not based on the thoughts of men but the mind of God as revealed by the Spirit through the word of God.

The world system of things is the result of mans thoughts and work without God. God so loved the world - that is the people of the world. Love not the world - that is the ways of the world.

The Thessalonians turned from the false gods of this world to serve the true and living God - see 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10. They were also established in the unchanging high morals that is so different from the base unclean ways of the world - see 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. Their values were also established according to the mind of God - see 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12.

As traditions, manners and customs change it is important that the Christian is familiar with the word of God. Some traditions, manners and customs are truly harmless but some will come in direct conflict with the revealed mind of God in His word and often the only way we can detect it is by being familiar with the word of God. There is much leeway for local culture as long as it does not violate the word of God, Christ is for every culture.

We discussed the word salt found in Matthew 5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Looking at Ephesians 5:2 we see where Christ was a sweet savor. “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor”. It was what Christ did that made Him a sweet savor, it is when we walk according to the mind of God as revealed in His word that we are salt that has not lost it's savor.

Likewise with light in Matthew 5v14 - Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. It has to do with walking in the good of what we find in the word of God allowing the word to guide us in our ways even if it means to be moving against the stream of the ways of man.

In the Bible studies we finished with some thoughts of heaven, that which lies before is when we finish our earthly journey. In Revelation 21:1-4 we find it is going to be completely new, something never experienced while we were here. Today righteousness suffers in the world-to-come righteousness will reign and in eternity righteousness will dwell.

We also touched on Psalm 16v11. In My presence is fullness of joy, contrasted with the momentary time of joy we experience here. Then we considered what it means, with Christ far better in Phillippians 1v23, and no one could tell us what that is except that it not like anything we know about now. And so we ask what will it be to dwell above and with the Lord of glory reign? In the world-to-come the church is looked at as a wife, she will sit in administration with the Lord. In eternity she will be looked at as a bride adorned for her husband. She will be a bride for a day - God’s eternal day.

During the children’s meeting our brother brought to our attention the snares that the enemy sets for us and the safety that is found in Christ.

In the gospel meeting we had before us the difference between believe and receive. The importance of receiving Christ as our saviour and knowing our sins forgiven was clearly presented.

In the final address we had looked at: Psalm 133 and Acts 2 – the blessing of unity and the beginning of the Spirit’s unity which included all Christians, Romans 12 and Ephesians 4 – the character in which the practical display of this unity is to be kept, Philemon and Colossians 4:9 – a practical out working of this unity.

We considered what the unity of the Spirit really is in contrast with the common thought of just getting along with those in our local gathering. The unity of the Spirit is based on His work at Pentecost and the practical display of it is maintained by adhering to the Spirit’s teaching as found in the word of God. Any other unity is only man made and is either too large or too small. National churches, as they are called, includes many that God does not include even non-believers and are larger than the body of Christ. Denominations, sects and other types of man made groups excludes many that God does not exclude and are smaller than the body of Christ.

In the book of Philemon, Paul displays the characteristics found in Romans 12 and Ephesians 4. He does not take a place over his brethren, he deals in grace, affection and gentleness.


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May the Lord bless and encourage us all to go on in the pathway of faith.

Yours in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Don Lewis