Time and Times


Last Time

1.    A peculiarly evil time.[i]


Fullness of Times

1.    It will be a grand specticle, as the result of the ways of God, to see all things united in perfect peace and under the authority of a man, of the second Adam, the Son of God; ourselves associated with Him in the same glory with Himself, His companions in the heavenly glory, as the objects of the eternal counsels of God.[ii]


2.    The eternal state, in which God is all in all,  is again another thing.[iii]

3.    The administration of the fullness of times in the result of the ways of God in government.[iv]


Times of the Gentiles

1.    Began in Babylon, being the times of the four Gentile beasts in Daniel. The times of the Gentiles will not end at the same time with the church, but go on a little after we are caught up.[v]


Also see Bible Dictionary


[i] BT N7 p12

[ii] JND S4 p387

[iii] JND S4 p387

[iv] JND S4 p387

[v] JND CW25 p244