I went to check my balance 
In the bank account of time,
And there I found to my surprise,
No promise of a dime.

Tomorrow's an uncertain thing,
I have no guarantee,
That I will see the sun come up,
Or I the evening see.

And so, I set my heart to seek,
The One who knows it all,
I sought His face, I read His word,
And found -- that It's His call.

For He's the One that sets the time,
That I'll be here on Earth,
He planned the days of my life here,
And that -- before my birth.

I pondered then, with much intent,
The brevity of life,
And purposed that, I'd make mine count,
In peaceful times, or strife.

For all that's seen, -- it will not last,
It's here, -- then passes on,
Eternal things, -- though not seen now,
Remain, -- when this world's gone.

Do not lay up your treasures then,
Where thieves break in and steal,
But up in Heaven, where they're kept,
Forever safe, and real.

Eternity will soon declare,
Where treasures have been stored,

In banks that fail, in this old world,
Or Heaven, with the Lord.

By David E. Zwicker - March 1, 2017